Experience Life Beyond the Dunes
White Sands National Park: Beyond the Dunes VR transports you into the microbiome of White Sands, among tiny creatures like tardigrades. White Sands is the world’s largest gypsum dune field, created by an intricate collaboration of minerals, microbes, and soil moisture. Hear from the scientists researching the biodiversity of White Sands to help us better understand this unique environment. When visiting White Sands National Park, try the app in the VR headsets available to visitors in the park’s Visitor Center.
Coming soon on Meta QuestVisit these exclusive locations:
Biocrust Area
Travel to an interdunal area at White Sands National park to talk about the biocrusts. These living aggregates of minerals and microbes form crusts on the surface of the gypsum soils
Microbial Mats
This magical place at the western edge of the dune field is covered with a white salt crust where spring water comes close to the surface in this wet dune system.